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Hikmah Irfaniah* and Ike Iswary Lawanda*


Records and archives Topeng Blantek is a cultural product that advocate Topeng Blantek through the stipulation program of Intangible Cultural of Indonesia. The purpose of advocacy is to legitimize the ownership rights of Topeng Blantek as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia originating from DKI Jakarta. The informal institution of Topeng Blantek prevailing in the Topeng Blantek communities does not adequately protect Topeng Blantek as their cultural product. Therefore, the formal institution of Mask Blantek must be established and legitimized by the government to be applied nationally. The Supporters of the Topeng Blantek comprised of people from the community and the government (Province and Ministry) represented their values toward Topeng Blantek and Topeng Blantek records and archives by protecting the ownership rights of Topeng Blantek and using these records and archives to achieve their goals through the stipulation program of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia. Records and archives are able to advocate Topeng Blantek to be Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia by voicing evidence and support either formally or informally. Topeng Blantek is a living archive that all records resulting from. Inactive records of Topeng Blantek provide evidence and foundation of activity at every stage of the stipulation program. Active records promote Topeng Blantek to the stipulation stage. Inactive records of Topeng Blantek provide evidence of the existency, the condition, and the values of Topeng Blantek. Inactive records proof that Topeng Blantek is qualified as Intangible Cultural Heritage of tIndonesia that originated from the Province of DKI Jakarta. 


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