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Hikmah Irfaniah* and Ike Iswary Lawanda* 

represents a wise figure who opens and closes the performance. Jantuk potrays a figure of a Father, a community leader, and religious leaders who respected by other characters in The play. It represents the cultural values of Betawi people who are obedient and respectful to parents, community leaders, and religious leaders.

Topeng Blantek reflects the history, traditions, and education of Betawi people. Therefore, Topeng Blantek is interpreted by Topeng Blantek community as an inheritance and heritage of Betawi people that have to be protected and preserved. Beside cultural value, Topeng Blantek also has other values that give positive impacts for society or multiplier effects such as educational value of both general education and Islamic education in costume and the story, artistic value since it is an entertaining theatre performance, and economic value since it is an income source of the artists and it encourages the emergence of economic activity for the society during the performance. These values of Topeng Blantek encourage supporters to protect and preserve Topeng Blantek through the stipulation program of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia. 

Supporting records created by Topeng Blantek Community Fajar Ibnu Sena are documentation of Topeng Blantek performances in photos and video. The community has awareness in documenting its activities. The documentation is considered as a evidence of activity. The community maintained its records and uses them for raising fund, making activity report, showing them to new members, learning the old performances to enhance the quality a new performance, and for studying and researching Topeng Blantek. Records are incontrovertible evidence in proofing activities in the past. Topeng Blantek Records has symbolic value, educational value, evidence value, and economic value for the community. Therefore, the records are maintained by the community. 

The Hall of Preservation and Cultural Value of West Java is not only creating the registration form of Topeng Blantek and video that used in the stipulation program but also collecting the academic study and photographs from Fajar Ibnu Sena Community. They both coordinated in order to promote Topeng Blantek. The Hall of Preservation and Cultural Value of West Java has responsibility in registering and recording cultural products of Indonesia. Therefore, records are evidence of activity. The creation of records is a form of protection and preservation toward Topeng Blantek. Valuable evidence in records used by the Hall of Preservation and Cultural Value of West Java to advocate Topeng Blantek to be Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia. For Tourism and Culture Departement of DKI Jakarta, Topeng Blantek records are mantained for they are supporting evidence in the stipulation program. The academic study, photos, and video has evidence value that support Topeng Blantek. The active records of Topeng Blantek are records created, received, and stored in the Department. Letters as an active record serves as a means of communication and information


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Mempertahankan Kesenia Betawi Lewat Seni Topeng Blantek - Jendela (3/9)

Topeng Blantek Warisan Betawi Zaman VOC

Kabar Berita Sanggar Fajar Ibnu Sena 20 Januari 2013 • Topeng Blantek Warisan Betawi Zaman VOC Lenong, Ondel-ondel, Samrah atau Gambang Kromong mungkin tak asing lagi terdengar di telinga. Kesenian tersebut identik dengan kebudayaan masyarakat Betawi. Namun tahukah Anda, ternyata masih ada satu warisan asli budaya Batavia yang sampai saat ini belum banyak dikenal, yaitu Topeng Blantek yang telah dilestarikan sejak zaman Hindia Belanda, atau Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) sekitar tahun 1648. 001,PESANGGRAHAN Topeng Blantek sejatinya merupakan kesenian asli Betawi yang belum terafiliasi dengan kebudayaan asing. Kesenian ini berkembang di daerah pesisir Jakarta, seperti Pasar Ikan, Tanjung Periuk. Saat ini, pelestari Topeng Blantek bisa dibilang langka, karena hanya tinggal tiga orang yang memiliki sanggar. Salah satunya Nasir Mupid, pengelola sanggar Fajar Ibnu Sina. Pria berusia 55 tahun itu mulai bergulat di dunia seni dan melestarikan Topeng Blantek sejak 1983. Dia ...

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